Title : Concerns about wrong delivery of the bad news in clinical practice
The information transferred by words influences the function of the human body’s energetic picture, according to the subject matter, solicitation degree, context, and individual structure.
Bad news has the capacity to converse the feelings through the grief, and the best info goes with joy, excitement, and improving the well-being; there are communications being in front of the indifference. Annoyed news content and inappropriate verbal, and nonverbal communication style alter the individual health.
The evidence in daily work reflects how dangerously acts the bad news on the mind, heart, and blood vessels functioning; they decrease the life quality, and expectancy, and increase the cost of palliative care in the population.
The Universe nothing displays forever, and so the interest in the art of delivering bad news in clinical practice is necessary, in order to diminish the human health alteration, as a quick response to their impact.
The art of transferring bad news to the person rarefies the power of such info which devastates an individual.
Professionalism in sharing the data, and integration of compassionate care in the management of the individual lifetime alteration or termination have to be taken into account. Investing time in caring for other people in suffering, the openness, candidness, and alleviating distress will return to each professional in the form of the appreciation, respect, recognition from the individual, community members, and as an ideal, finally, the people’s love shines on the personal trouble time, defining the excellence in clinical practice. Educational programs are required.